• Rally Rzeszowski 2015: Tomek i Damian fight for scores

  • Rally Poland 2015: Hołowczyc, Kołtun and Raczkowski in WRC2

  • Rally Utena 2015: Jarek and Irek 7th overall

  • Rally Karkonoski 2015: Rzeźnik 6th, Kasperczyk 7th overall

  • Rally Świdnicki-Krause 2015: very good speed C-Rally crews

  • Valasska Rally 2015 - good training before Polish Rally Championship

  • Kołtun/Pleskot (Ford Fiesta R5) - 7th crew in WRC2 Rally Sweden 2015

  • Arctic Rally 2015 - first time on the snow with Fiesta R5


Karkonoski Rally 2014 - Wojtek Chuchala wins again

Wojtek Chuchala and Sebastian Rozwadowski (Ford Fiesta R5) won the 29.Karkonoski Rally - the third round of the Polish Rally Chmapionship. It was thier second consecutive victory in the national rallying challenge. Tomasz Kasperczyk and Damian Syty (Ford Fiesta R5) finished 6-th in final standings. Slawomir Ogryzek and Jakub Wrobel (Peugeot 208 R3) were classified at 21 place overall (7th in class 6).




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Realizacja: Producer